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10 Easy & Affordable Tips to Stress Less in 2020

The World Health Organization calls stress “the health epidemic of the twenty-first century” and Dr Mark Hyman states that it maybe the number one predictor of death and disease.

So it may be time to rethink those silly New Years resolutions that only add more stress to your life - like widdle your middle to some silly size that isn’t maintainable. Below are 10 simple things that can help you stress less and feel good all over without crazy starvation tactics or diet fads.

 10 Ways to Stress Less in the New Year:

  1. Take an Epsom Salt Bath: I know, I know, you are too busy for a bath and how helpful can it really be? I challenge you to take just one and you will likely be hooked! I was never a bath girl until a few years ago. Once I learned the many health benefits of an Epsom salt bath - detoxification*, magnesium boost, affordable self-care, relax sore muscles and reduce inflammation to name a few, I quickly understood what all the fuss was about. Try and squeeze in a 20 minute steaming hot soak just once a week. You deserve it! Bonus: add a few drops of lavender, clary sage and/or frankincense to take your bath to the next level.

    *Can’t afford an infrared red sauna that all of the health folks rave about? This is the next best thing according to my favorite - Dr Ben Lynch. Get the bath hot and steamy with lots of Epsom salt and the body will sweat - supporting your detoxification. Win-win!

  2. Diffuse Essential Oils: Oils can be very powerful for mood boosters. We take on average 25,000 breaths a day so the air we breathe can have a real impact on our mood. One of my favorite combos to diffuse is: Rosemary, Lavender, and Clary Sage. Clary Sage has been known to help with hormone balance, rosemary with clearing the mind, and lavender for overall relaxation. DoTerra has the best oils and I love getting mine from Rochelle Ludovisi because she provides so much support on how to use them.

  3. Meditate: Even if just for 2 minutes a few times a day, giving your mind a mental break will reward you in the long run. Simply set a 2-minute timer on your phone, bookmark a favorite mediation from YouTube, or check out my favorite free app, Omvana. I love this app because they have an endless selection of music, guided meditation, and even series options that build upon each day. Plus did you read…it is FREE! They of course have some meditations you can pay for but so many of them are free!

  4. Move Your Body: Move every day intentionally even if it is just stretching or walking for 10+ minutes. Movement is a way to thank the body for all it does, giving it the attention, it deserves to get you through the busy days and long nights. When is the last time you looked in the mirror and thanked your body for carrying you through the day? Think of all the amazing and wonderful things your body allows you to do. We owe it at least 10 short minutes to honor ourselves. Turn on some music and dance around for 10 minutes - seriously this is what my daughter and I do most mornings. Stretch in bed before rising, search YouTube for endless awesome workout videos or join me Saturday January 18th in Newport Beach for the 2nd Annual OC Yoga Fest Winter Addition. Click the link to grab your tickets now!

  5. Stop Overspending: Finances can be a real pain in the….let’s be honest, money is the root for a lot of stress so don’t go overboard on spending in 2020. We have such easy access to shopping online right from our mobile phones. Our credit card information is easily saved in all of our devices so we don’t even need to get out of bed to grab our credit card to make a purchase. Can it get any easier? It is a slippery slope and often we end up with a lot of things we don’t really need. Having a lot of clutter and just “things” around your living space can cause stress without even knowing it. Set up a budget that includes spending money each month. Know your limit and stay within it. If you spend less in your “spending money” category one month you can roll it over to the next month allowing you to save up for larger purchases you may want. For those large purchases, it is always best to really think about it for a few weeks or months. There is nothing worse than spending a lot of money on something that quickly loses its luster.

  6. Set a Daily Affirmation: An affirmation is something that you believe. Even if you don’t believe it 100% of the time, it is something that you are working toward believing. It also provides emotional support and encouragement to yourself. You spend a lot of time supporting others but how much time do you spend reassuring yourself? Have you ever thought about your internal self talks? If you spoke to your friends the way you speak to yourself, it is likely those friends would be gone. We need to be more patient and accepting of ourselves. Start out each day by stating your affirmation in the mirror with conviction. Some examples to get you started: “I am enough”, “I believe in, trust and have confidence in myself”, “I deserve to put myself as a priority”, etc. Comment below with your affirmation.

  7. Limit Your Day to 3 Priorities Max: Yes, I get it, your to do list may be 20 items long, but you need to have a clear understanding of what is really important. What must you absolutely accomplish today? There should only be a max of 3 each day. You are always welcome to accomplish more than 3 but your written list only includes a max of 3 so you can appropriately prioritize. Before bed, write down your top 3 action items for the next day so you can rest peacefully knowing you have a plan and wake up knowing what is most important. Tackle the most important tasks first!

  8. Rest: We all know sleep is important, but it can be challenging with so much on our minds and crazy life schedules. As hard as it can be, try to wake up and go to bed around the same time each day. I prefer 6:30 AM wake time and a 10:00 PM bedtime. I am an 8 hours of sleep kinda girl. I need my beauty rest. This time schedule allows me 30 minutes to fall into a deep sleep and still get 8 solid hours. If you are having trouble falling asleep, try some breathing techniques while lying in bed with your eyes closed. My favorite is to breathe in slowly for 8 counts and out for 8 counts until I fall asleep. I use this breathing technique at least a few nights a week. It sounds simple but it works. Another favorite is the 4 sets of 4 breath work, which is also great for anxiety. Simply breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, breathe out for 4 counts, and hold for 4 counts. Repeat as necessary.

  9. Give Back: Nothing feels better than giving back! Find a local charity where you can give time or money to those in need. Too busy? Go online and donate to the Red Cross or your favorite charitable organization - even an extra $5 donation will make you feel great for being apart of something bigger than yourself. No money? No problem! Smiles and genuine compliments are free. Try being more open and talkative with those you encounter on a daily basis - at work, your child’s school, in line for coffee, in the elevator, etc. It can make all the difference in someone else’s day and you maybe surprised at just how great it can make you feel!

  10. Control Your Blood Sugar: When you are stressed, your blood sugar levels rise thanks to an increase of cortisol and epinephrine. The body thinks you need extra energy so it up-regulates these hormones. Our schedules tend to be extra busy with impromptu errands and social gatherings popping up; therefore, I always keep a few healthy snacks handy to try and stabilize blood sugar and prevent a roller coaster of hangryness. When blood sugar drops, we tend to reach for easily accessible processed unhealthy foods that only make us feel more tired and stressed. The key is to find real food to keep your body fueled and blood sugar stable. My favorite snacks for the on go include: apple with salted almonds, walnuts with dried fruit, jerky and and a guacamole snack cup (or half of an avocado), homemade grain free granola, olives, green juice, or cassava flour tortilla wrap with turkey rolled up.

I hope you find these tips helpful to stress less in 2020. Implementing even a few of these will make a noticeable difference. The most important is to be compassionate with yourself knowing you are enough!

Comment below your favorite tip from the list or any others you have found to be helpful. Cheers to a very Happy New Year with joy and kindness in our hearts.